Latest News

Professor Poon facing entrance inside tiered lecture hall

ECE symposium probes the future of hardware in the age of AI

Headshots arranged on blue graphic

ECE professors among those elected to the Canadian Academy of Engineering

Professor Yoo outdoors on campus

ECE professor’s project on non-invasive electrical nerve stimulation among those supported by 2023 Connaught Innovation Awards

Two sitting students, one standing, in Bahen Centre after class, smiling at the camera

‘This generation wants these conversations’: New ECE graduate course examines socially responsible computing

Four students in semi-circle with project board between them

Undergrad talent on display in the ECE Capstone Design Fair

Researchers in lab coats standing around equipment

New catalyst could increase the value of captured carbon by transforming it into acetic acid

Profile pictures of the professors

Two ECE faculty members honoured for excellence by U of T Engineering

Professor leaning over, adjusting lab equipment

ECE prof joins international effort to establish quantum communications link between the EU and Canada

ECE undergrad Mohamed Hirole (Year 4 ElecE) was an Electrical Lead on the U of T Aerospace Team (UTAT) and served as the President of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), U of T Chapter. He was also an ECE Ambassador. He’ll be starting as a Software Engineer at Twitch in the fall. (Photo: Matthew Tierney)

One-Question Interviews: Undergrad Mohamed Hirole

Three researchers in lab coats holding components of the cells between fingers

Researchers from U of T Engineering create triple-junction perovskite solar cell with record-breaking efficiency

Two men sitting on metal bench in a courtyard

Quantum-inspired solution more than doubles the efficiency of telecommunications network modernization

Students with silly glasses in a group shot

How U of T Engineering students are finding community and empowering themselves to drive change through conferences