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From left to right: Weng Cho Chew (incoming AP-S president), Liang (Tony) Liang, Sean Hum, Ahmed Kishk (current AP-S president). (Photo by Rodney Regala)

ECE Awards Round Up: October 2017

From start-up to success: Alumni talk entrepreneurship at BizSkule event in Palo Alto

U of T President Meric Gertler presents Huawei CEO Ren Zhengfei with a gift during his visit to the University. The Huawei delegation met with several U of T Engineering researchers and included a tour of the electromagnetics lab of Professor George Eleftheriades (ECE). (Photo: Tristan Cannon-Sherlock)

Huawei CEO visits U of T to explore ways to further strategic partnership

With his startup company Deep Genomics, Professor Brendan Frey (ECE) marries machine learning and genomic science to develop genetic medicines. (Photo: Johnny Guatto)

U of T Engineering spinoff Deep Genomics raises $13 million to fund expansion

Professor Ali Sheikholeslami and student.

U of T attracts Fujitsu Laboratories R&D centre to Toronto

Left to right: Marcos Ingreja, Walter Pawliw, Bowen Li (ChemE 1T7), Hasitha de Alwis, Robert Fairley (Year 3 ECE), Luna Yu and Kaitlyn Chow are the members of Team Genecis. They won the $20,000 Lacavera Prize at this year’s Hatchery Demo Day (Photo: Tyler Irving)

ECE student member of startup that wins grand prize at U of T Engineering’s Hatchery Demo Day

Professor Wei Yu (ECE) has been named to the Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists. (Photo: NSERC)

Yu elected to the Royal Society of Canada’s College of New Scholars, Artists and Scientists

Professor Reza Iravani

Iravani named Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada

The Blue Sky Solar Racing Team gathers behind Polaris, the vehicle they will enter into the 2017 Bridgestone World Solar Challenge. (Photo: Roberta Baker)

Polaris: Blue Sky Solar Racing team unveils its newest vehicle

Novel deployable antenna launched into orbit

Professor Vaughn Betz

Improving reprogrammable chips: Vaughn Betz renewed as Industrial Research Chair

U of T Engineering students Andy Liao (Year 2 CivE), Ernesto Diaz Lozano Patiño (CivE 1T5 + PEY, MASc candidate), Alejandro Sarellano Acevedo (ECE MEng candidate), and Mackenzie de Carle (Year 3 CivE) are members of the team that earned a $20,000 prize for their proposal to install solar-powered street lighting in Mexico City’s Toltenco community.

Student team lights up low-income Mexico City community