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Haeri Kim, Ray Ding and Tony Zhang, aka "Team Goose", demonstrate their gesture-controlled quadcopter Friday, Nov. 29, 2013.

Jedi mind-controlled quadcopters debuted by students

Alumni Networking Lecture & Reception brings grads back to Skule

Professor Piero Triverio.

Triverio announced as Canada Research Chair

Badr, Patil win best student paper award at Asilomar 2013

Professor George Eleftheriades and PhD student Michael Selvanayagam explain their active cloaking technology.

Thin, active invisibility cloak demonstrated for first time

PhD candidate Wei Bao (right) and Professor Ben Liang.

Bao, Liang win best paper at leading wireless conference

Engineering Alumni Association awards recipients for 2013, including Anthony Lacavera (back row at far right) and Mike Branch (front row, second from right).

Branch, Lacavera and Lau honoured by Engineering Alumni Association

Robert Cameron, one of the recent winners of the Sikorsky Prize for the human powered helicopter, discussing what led him and his team to accomplish one of engineering’s greatest challenges.

DIY Innovator conference promotes student involvement in aerospace

Attendees listen to Professor Alberto Leon-Garcia at the U of T Networking Symposium, sponsored by HP.

Networking symposium draws broad industry, academic interest

Professor Emeritus E. Stewart Lee.

A tribute to Professor E. Stewart Lee

Attendees at BizSkule's "Moving @ the Speed of Mobile" panel discussion Oct. 22, 2013.

Alumni talk mobile revolution at BizSkule event

From left: Marissa Desrochers, Elika Mahdavi, Irena Mahdavi and Najwa Azer of ELSIE.

New alumni networking group links women of Skule