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Professor Berj Bardakjian.

A Tale of Two Guts: Joint study discovers digestion mechanisms

Attendees anticipate the start of TEDxUofT on Saturday, March 1, 2014.

Engineering profs, alumni wow at TEDxUofT

Dr. Muhammad Alam.

Research Spotlight: World’s first hybrid plasmonic waveguide proposed in ECE

Professor Andreas Veneris receives his award at ASP-DAC 2014 in Singapore.

Veneris wins Most Influential Paper award at ASP-DAC 2014

Kenneth Lee receives his first prize in the student competition at Photonics West from Dr. Eric Mottay.

Lee brings home first prize from Photonics West

Professor Steve Mann. Illustration by Sam Kerr.

Mann argues for right to sousveillance in MIT Technology Review editorial

From left: Panelists Alex Grbic, Rami Rahim, Yuri Sagalov and moderator Arshia Tabrizi.

Lofty ideas: Alumni talk cloud computing at BizSkule event

ECE alumni reunite and celebrate at San Francisco reunion

Four Connaught Award Winners.

Four ECE profs snag Connaught Innovation Awards

Professor Adel S. Sedra.

Adel Sedra appointed to Order of Ontario

Professor Stark Draper.

Draper chairs DIMACS conference on green data storage

Professor Adel Sedra speaks at University of Toronto on Jan. 20, 2014.

Adel Sedra shares formula for great universities