Centre for Applied Power Electronics (CAPE)


Who we are

The Centre for Applied Power Electronics (CAPE) in The Edward S. Rogers Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto is focused on RD&D thrusts of power electronic apparatus and controls for electric power system applications. CAPE’s mission is to provide the state-of-the-art infrastructure and skilled personnel to facilitate university-industry collaborative research and development projects.

CAPE’s R&D focus is the modernization of legacy electric power grid through integration of i) renewable generation and energy storage, microgrids and high-voltage direct-current (HVDC) grids and ii) utilization of wide area control and protection strategies.

What we do

Grid-Integration of Renewable Resources:
This subject encompasses R&D associated with i) grid integration of solar-PV power plants and wind power plants in the legacy power grid and focuses on control and counter-measures to address impacts of indeterminacy and high-depth of penetration of renewable generation and ii) grid-integration of utility-class energy storage.

HVDC Transmission Systems:
This subject deals with control and operational aspects of HVDC converters, links and grid and focuses on i) HVDC applications to off-shore wind power, ii) control and operation of HVDC grid and iii) integration of HVDC grid and links in interconnected AC systems.

This R&D area deals with operation, control and protection of AC and DC microgrids and focuses on R&D of i) control of distributed generation and energy storage in microgrids, ii) supervisory control and energy management systems of microgrids, iii) off-grid (remote) and iv) operational/control strategies of multi-microgrids.

Grid-level battery storage:
This R&D area addresses control, protection and energy management of grid-level battery for transmission and distribution systems, such as fast EV charging systems, peak-power management, and smoothing intermittency.


Core Faculty
R. Iravani
Z. Tate
A. Yazdani

Senior Research Associates
Dr. Milan Graovac milan.graovac@utoronto.ca
Dr. Ali Nabavi  nabavi.niaki@utoronto.ca
Mr. Xiaolin Wang xiaolin.wang@utoronto.ca

Direct-Current (DC) Arc-Free Circuit Breaker for Utility-Grid Battery Storage System
Funded by NRCan (2012-2016)

Reducing ‘range anxiety’ for electric vehicles by speeding up charging time