ECE Graduate Student Funding for Academic Year 2021-22


Funding Commitment: The Department will provide all eligible graduate students with an annual base financial support package consisting of $17,500 CAD plus the cost of applicable tuition and fees as set by the University of Toronto. Tuition and fees are subject to change (increase or decrease) each year. Therefore, the value of the annual base financial support package is subject to a corresponding change (increase or decrease) each year.


1.   Domestic M.A.Sc. Students


Effective September 2021, the annual base financial support package for domestic students (i.e. Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada) in the M.A.Sc. program is $25,480 CAD. M.A.Sc. students in good standing will be funded around this level over years one and two of program registration. Table 1A summarizes the components of the annual base financial support package and their sources.


Table 1A: Domestic M.A.Sc. – Base Support

Funding Scenario


Total Annual


External Scholarship

Supervisor Contribution (“Research Fellowship”)

ECE Dept. Contribution (“Student Fellowship”)

Base Support






Furthermore, students are encouraged to apply for additional funding, in the form of scholarships or awards from external sources. Students are required to report any such financial awards valued at more than $5,000 CAD to the ECE Graduate Office. Receipt of an external award valued at more than $5,000 may result in an enhancement to the student’s annual financial support package. Table 1B presents some examples of enhanced financial packages.


Table 1B: Domestic M.A.Sc. – Enhanced Financial Package

Funding Scenario


Total Annual


External Scholarship

Supervisor Contribution (“Research Fellowship”)

ECE Dept. Contribution (“Student Fellowship”)

Holds a Hatch Scholarship





Holds an OGS










Holds an NSERC CGS-M





Holds a Bell Scholarship






2.   Domestic Ph.D. Students


Effective September 2021, the annual base financial support package for domestic students (i.e. Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada) in the Ph.D. program is $25,480 CAD. Ph.D. students in good standing will be funded around this level over years one through four of program registration. Table 2A summarizes the components of the annual base financial support package and their sources.


Table 2A: Domestic Ph.D. – Base Support

Funding Scenario





External Scholarship

Supervisor Contribution (“Research Fellowship”)

ECE Dept. Contribution (“Student Fellowship”)

Base Support






Furthermore, students are encouraged to apply for additional funding, in the form of scholarships or awards from external sources. Students are required to report any such financial awards valued at more than $5,000 CAD to the ECE Graduate Office. Receipt of an external award valued at more than $5,000 may result in an enhancement to the student’s annual financial support package. Table 2B presents some examples of enhanced financial packages.


Table 2B: Domestic Ph.D. – Enhanced Financial Package

Funding Scenario





External Scholarship

Supervisor Contribution (“Research Fellowship”)

ECE Dept. Contribution (“Student Fellowship”)

Holds a Sumner Fellowship





Holds a Hatch Scholarship





Holds an OGS










Holds a Bell Scholarship





Holds an NSERC PGS-D





Holds an NSERC CGS-D





Holds an NSERC Vanier






3.   International Ph.D. Students


International Ph.D. students will be charged domestic, instead of international, tuition.  Accordingly, international Ph.D. students will receive a funding package that is approximately equal to the domestic student funding package, plus the cost of the mandatory University Health Insurance Plan (UHIP).


Effective September 2021, the annual base financial support package for international students in the Ph.D. program is $26,236 CAD. Ph.D. students in good standing will be funded around this level over years one through four of program registration. Table 3A summarizes the components of the annual base financial support package and their sources.


Table 3A: International Ph.D. – Base Support

Funding Scenario





External Scholarship

Supervisor Contribution (“Research Fellowship”)

ECE Dept. Contribution (“Student Fellowship”)

Base Support






Furthermore, students are encouraged to apply for additional funding, in the form of scholarships or awards from external sources. Students are required to report any such financial awards valued at more than $5,000 CAD to the ECE Graduate Office. Receipt of an external award valued at more than $5,000 may result in an enhancement to the student’s annual financial support package. Table 3B presents some examples of enhanced financial packages.


Table 3B: International Ph.D. – Enhanced Financial Package

Funding Scenario





External Scholarship

Supervisor Contribution (“Research Fellowship”)

ECE Dept. Contribution (“Student Fellowship”)

Holds a Hatch Scholarship





Holds an OGS





Holds a PRC CSC





Holds a Connaught





Holds a Trillium





Holds an NSERC Vanier






4.   International M.A.Sc.


Effective September 2021, the annual base financial support package for international students in the M.A.Sc. program is $46,236 CAD. M.A.Sc. students in good standing will be funded around this level over years one and two of program registration. Table 4A summarizes the components of the annual base financial support package and their sources.


Table 4A: International M.A.Sc.

Funding Scenario





External Scholarship

Supervisor Contribution (“Research Fellowship”)

ECE Dept. Contribution (“Student Fellowship”)

Base Support






Furthermore, students are encouraged to apply for additional funding, in the form of scholarships or awards from external sources. Students are required to report any such financial awards valued at more than $5,000 CAD to the ECE Graduate Office. Receipt of an external award valued at more than $5,000 may result in an enhancement to the student’s annual financial support package. Table 4B presents some examples of enhanced financial packages.


Table 4B: International M.A.Sc. – Enhanced Financial Package

Funding Scenario





External Scholarship

Supervisor Contribution (“Research Fellowship”)

ECE Dept. Contribution (“Student Fellowship”)

Holds a Hatch Scholarship





Holds an OGS





Holds a Connaught



